Transformer trend you know? 2017 Ch腦亮ina Transformer Industry

Release time:2017-11-25 14:54 Browse times:827

Core Tip: Transformer has been a ma遠熱jor modern power network construction 物子equipment, power generation坐銀, transmission and distribution, pow有車er distribution all play a key r西路ole. In recent years, thanks農他 to a large amount of i費通nfrastructure investment 河吃and the rapid developm外了ent of the power industry, the sc理姐ale of the transformer慢得 industry has expanded rapid市西ly and its production capacity ha他農s risen sharply. Howe內湖ver, there are also problems s吧知uch as low industry concentration又綠 and outdated technology.

Transformer has been 玩動the main equipment of mode國放rn power network construction, 視呢and plays a key role in power genera不器tion, transmission and distributio器你n, and distribution. In recent ye裡著ars, thanks to a large a電睡mount of infrastructure investment 要動and the rapid developm術輛ent of the power industry, the sca海地le of the transformer indust學制ry has expanded rapidly and its pr器上oduction capacity has ris現音en sharply. However, there are 風低also problems such as l呢那ow industry concentration and ou很鐵tdated technology. Du體內ring the "13th Five-Year Plan" p地家eriod, the state has readjusted 市影its energy structure現區 and built a smart grid a房來nd other strategic plans, which如哥 brought new development op鐘愛portunities for the t森市ransformer industry and raised higher 就長technical challenges: mature快間 and further popularization女空 of new energy power gene街女ration technologies will str分鐵ongly promote New energy tr有站ansformer market, but the鐵愛 transformer safety and stability 水報requirements more stringe離在nt; "strong smart grid" upgrade pr問黃oject will not only creat暗到e incremental market s火問pace, it will also open a huge s訊還tock market backward transfo近光rmer upgrade, energy-saving, intelli爸學gent Type transformers些藍 will become the development t中從rend of the industry, the traditional 費友transformer manufacturers t西她o face the eliminatio信鐘n of excess capacity; rail cons姐相truction speed, the popularity of elec吧件tric vehicles, will create a ne跳用w growth point for t好車he transformer industry. E房靜nergy-saving, reliable a得樹nd intelligent transformers are the 音上cornerstone of building a new校下 type of power network in our count時謝ry and an important guarantee for p還你romoting the reform of the energy syst妹吧em.

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1, the new energy transformer has a va亮大st market space

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China's energy structure is do刀腦minated by fossil fuels. The 聽報resulting environment and resour爸你ce pressure are becomi術筆ng more and more severe. 知靜It is imperative to pr農白omote energy transform開腦ation and build a clean energy syst慢近em. During the "12th 下草Five-Year Plan" period, new ene筆金rgy power generation has made gre白樹at strides. By 2015, non-t媽男hermal power generation will account fo紅吃r 26.3% of total electricity genera海校tion, up 7% from 2010, and劇議 the energy structure will be effective問城ly improved. Accordin和慢g to the "Thirteenth Five-Year 購身Plan for Electric Po費時wer Development," the goal: By 2020,少長 non-thermal power i子子nstalled capacity reached 770 millio拍事n kilowatts, the proportion of g筆民enerating capacity incr用河eased to 31%.

China's thermal power and弟聽 non-thermal power generation大秒 accounted for

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The construction of拿物 new energy power stat雨線ion gave birth to the power generation 通很substation equipment d訊書emand, effectively stimulating the co公黑ntinued growth of the t拿信ransformer market, but also put for書通ward higher requirements for城開 the corresponding transformer prod妹頻ucts. Wind power, solar energy和視 and other new energy generat睡玩ion with intermittent做門, random, scheduling poor character黃視istics require transfo技機rmer equipment has a higher stabili子廠ty and reliability; wind po新輛wer stations, solar po友草wer plants where the environment i和購s relatively harsh, decentralized樂亮 layout, the transformer Require司裡s a high degree of environmental ad朋媽aptability and should have 間短a visual real-time mo公公nitoring function to red山高uce the frequency of maintenance. Nu就匠clear power stations are extrem金村ely demanding on the safety of tr日是ansformers and need to withstand extr師就eme earthquakes and sudden 紅冷short-circuits at the end of 日人their useful lives. The rapid developme行少nt of new energy industry, laid the生物 foundation for suppor如是ting the growth of the說如 transformer industry, but also pro窗化mote the technological 大友transformation of the 雨車transformer industry.

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(1) Wind power

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① wind power situation

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Wind power is one of the裡生 most mature renewable ener我下gy technologies in the new e志為nergy industry with the high票我est economic potential, the mos林遠t potential for development and the co又票mmercialization of the wind power indu西放stry. Wind power has achieved商他 large-scale application worl說物dwide. Wind power accounts fo輛腦r 30% of new installed 務去capacity in Europe since 20店好00, and wind power a熱技ccounts for 33% of new instal海店led capacity in the United States si計街nce 2007. The United States also 站上proposed that the share of wind powe通歌r will increase in 2030 To 20%. 暗還With the continuous im工謝provement of wind pow刀船er technology, the cost of wind power c城南ontinues to decline. The long-term 外鄉agreement price of wind power in the學火 United States has dropped大機 to the same level as the price of 請呢fossil fuels, and the economy of electr劇畫icity has been highlighted.

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② China wind power indu都姐stry development process

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The development of wind power我件 has become an important 雜亮channel for many countries in promoting秒好 energy transformation and an 費身important way to comb人朋at climate change. It is also an impo大會rtant means for China to furt生又her promote the energy production and麗土 consumption revolution厭呢 and promote the prevention 醫計and control of air pol聽鄉lution. The wind powe海不r industry has experien但空ced three different stages of devel吃行opment in China: 1) 從件The promulgation and implementa麗體tion of the Renewable En道術ergy Law 2006-2009 and 行但2006 opened the golden age of t近家he wind power industry. The遠船 installed capacity o亮少f wind power increase時妹d rapidly and a large n北街umber of enterprises entered 花坐the wind power equipm話頻ent Areas, wind power equipment locali店近zation level increased significa快了ntly. 2) The wind power鄉舞 industry in 2010-2012 wit爸用nessed a turning point in 拿友2010, with the trend of o購費vercapacity and oversupply. It is火什 difficult to connect with the grid唱輛 and the problem of "a如樂bandoning the windward" highligh湖信ted the fact that the larg長能e-scale wind power outage in 街工2011 triggered a ser工腦ies of industry standards 大事promulgated by the gov湖什ernment , The construction o電內f wind farms suddenly slowed d校唱own, and the newly inst如作alled capacity droppe也錯d for three consecuti能相ve years. 3) From 2013-2016 and 2013, t媽南he wind power industr自從y started to rebound and entered短讀 a period of steady develo為暗pment. At the same time, a術個 number of new trend靜西s emerged: small-scale 紅慢onshore wind farms dev員妹eloped towards high-powe業匠r and offshore wind power, an日秒d wind power construction shifted fro車他m the "three north" to th書師e east , The development in the south雜話ern part of the country has s購鐘een continuous improvement in th現城e integration and consumption of wind p店長ower and the cost of win志木d power has been reduced. At the 大好same time, the national electrici得拍ty price subsidy policy has contracted,多弟 and the wind power indus謝器try has been transformed f年司rom a policy-driven to a market-d知暗riven.

Wind power benchmark p輛門rice adjustment process

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As of the end of 2016, the to呢低tal wind power installed capaci土通ty in China reached 149 million西時 kilowatts, accounti新中ng for 1-1-1499.03% of the tota可農l installed capacity of China's power 大問grids and 241.1 billion kwh of grid-笑了connected electricity, accounti他還ng for 4.02% of the country's to玩飛tal generating capaci分道ty. Wind power has become China's seco訊新nd largest hydropower, The third la訊日rgest power source after the co什林al.

China Wind Power Installed Capac廠章ity 2010-2016 (10000 kW)

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③ China's wind power industry木我 market prospects

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December 2016 The 13th Five-Y生答ear Plan for Wind Power影兵 Development promulg你門ated by the National Energy 內長Administration put f懂關orward the overall goals and著術 measures for the development 會我of wind power: By the end of 2劇妹020, the installed capacity of wind pow內樹er will reach 210 mill什媽ion kilowatts and the annu金舊al generating capacity of win近區d power will reach 420 bi務農llion KWh, accounting for 6%綠議 of the total generati慢藍ng capacity of the countr微錢y; optimizing the location 爸腦configuration of wind p畫可ower construction, promoting坐和 wind energy consumption, u謝近pgrading the technological level店遠 of wind power and improving the wind p影房ower industry management sys綠鄉tem. According to the onsh小飛ore wind power investment of 7,800 yu音要an / kW and offshore w上員ind power investment of 16,000 yuan / 河線kW, the total investment in wind power歌上 construction during 業城the "13th Five-Year 資靜Plan" will reach over 700 billion電著 yuan. With abundant wind energy res公計ources and a mature 訊熱foundation for wind power industry 房花chain, the demand for cl作哥ean energy is pressingly challeng聽冷ed. With the progress of wind數看 power technology, cost reductio女朋n, optimization of configura湖站tion and improvement of the system從報, it is expected that China's wind po如門wer industry will enter a perio匠數d of sustained and healthy developm長是ent with a vast market potent在習ial in the future.

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④ wind power transformer supportin藍山g the development and market prospect事麗s

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The construction of wind p這空ower plants has a high dem舞頻and for transformers. Each wind power區校 generator needs to be equipped 是農with a box-type substation. The stati現物on also needs a number of high-voltage 文山main transformers and substations with 體美medium and low voltage power transform中體ers. Due to the instab美銀ility of wind power output pow短兒er, transformer no-load and hig劇村h load loss, high-power計跳 voltage regulator transformer energy和吧-saving requirements are外男 higher; layout of wind p志錢ower stations are scat那靜tered and remote, the 麗頻transformer needs to have a low 長影failure rate, mainten票子ance-free features ; Wind 西畫power transformers need to事了 withstand wind and sand en雨湖vironment, especially for offs和美hore wind power transformers, but also也們 need to be able to withstan很子d the long-term corr舊暗osion of sea salt, high reliability r筆中equirements. In recent years,人外 with the wind power instal窗亮led capacity continues to rise, the雜我 rapid development of win嗎民d power transformer indus窗村try, technology continues to mature, t船車he cost continues to decline, acco藍還rding to "13th Five-Ye新區ar" plan wind power installed capacity現術 of 210 million kilow制風atts of development 拍為goals, by 2020, wind power transf多唱ormer Capacity may exceed 報行230 million kVA, the ma和街rket space is very broad.見快

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(2) Solar power gener畫知ation

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① solar power situation動能

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Solar energy has the ch話紙aracteristics of permanent, 舞遠large reserves, clean an來員d pollution-free, and is currently the 老場most mature renewable energy resour路懂ce with the most wide房民ly distributed resources. The utiliz答月ation of solar power is divide爸但d into two kinds of p報體hotovoltaic power generation and sola山農r thermal power generation, of whi年民ch photovoltaic technology ha車制s been large-scale applications 都錢around the world. As of the en國美d of 2015, the total installed cap醫媽acity of solar power generation in 通快the world reached 230 million 謝路kilowatts. In that year, it added 中輛more than 53 million kilowatts o技花f installed capacity, 書為accounting for 20% of newly install時鄉ed power generation capacity in 問議the world. Since 2006, the a他空verage annual growth rate of install南報ed capacity of photov她厭oltaic power generation has sur對東passed 40%.

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② China solar energy in答做dustry development process

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The cyclical fluctuations of the so為睡lar energy industry is more o木學bvious, experienced several rounds山睡 of prosperity and de的人pression conversion. The r筆愛apid growth of China's solar energ黃理y industry began in 2004, German黑日y, Italy, Spain and o讀懂ther European countries out of stra坐亮tegic considerations f愛愛or the development of clean altern問黃ative energy, began to build 你是a large number of photovoltai自呢c power plants, which gave birth to so離還lar panels and other pho關報tovoltaic equipment, huge demand in Chi子很na's PV equipment production expa匠民nded rapidly during this p師黃eriod. After the financial cri公去sis in 2008, the investment i機那n Europe and the United States d看森eclined substantially. In 是劇order to support the development o多明f the PV industry, digest excess 線計photovoltaic capacity湖厭 and speed up the construction of多在 a new energy system, in 2010, the go兒吧vernment introduced Golden Sun Demon日樹stration Project and a series身地 of subsidy policies車火 to promote the PV industry in China f資水rom photovoltaic modules Production bas她草e to the photovoltaic power大區 generation market changes 我些to achieve from the manu紙拍facturing end to the market side of 問金the extension of the industria到車l chain, a positive policy樂店 environment has led to the ex公現plosive investment in短兵 photovoltaic power plants, but ac畫得cess subsidies for this round of pho紅謝tovoltaic leap forward also有去 brought attention Powe跳從r station construction, contempt 妹冷and network supporting and economic空時 benefits and other hidden dangers. F街議rom 2011 to 2013, with a女紙 series of outstanding problems suc了頻h as overcapacity, high cost 內妹and difficulty in grid connection,跳章 and the tightening of the st快嗎ate subsidy policy, the pa人說ce of construction of pho能也tovoltaic power plants s視來lowed down and the i機照ndustry entered a period 化學of deep adjustment. Since 2014, altho新新ugh tariff subsidies and other polic民問ies have been gradually tightened an照一d parity Internet access has becom到就e a trend, with the progress of photo女做voltaic technologies, the declining c校村ost of installed cap那小acity, the improveme科些nt of power generation efficiency, impr坐有oved grid integration, the o黑到utdated production capacity新光 and the improvement of the道用 competitive environment, the solar e看雨nergy industry Begin to r農是ecover and gradually en妹裡ter the market-oriented sustai術刀nable development track.

Photovoltaic benchmark那業 price adjustment proces現兵s

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At present, China has gradually establ動明ished a sound solar en如水ergy industry policy sys師花tem, defined the price, subsidies, ta美亮xes, grid and other multi-level polic兵離y framework, established the industr國制y standards and testing and certifica東遠tion system. The level of indust能見rialization of solar man短裡ufacturing continues to impr務車ove, power generation technolo山雜gy is rapidly improving, the p到關hotoelectric conversion efficie醫這ncy continues to imp城訊rove, and the scale of solar power ge金分neration has expanded sign化笑ificantly. In 2016, the newly installe說內d capacity of solar pow用場er in China reached 34.79 mil身少lion kilowatts, with a cumulative in車亮stalled capacity of 77.42 million k短議ilowatts.

China Solar Power Install一腦ed Capacity 2010-2016 (10,站分000 kW)

③ China's solar energy industry報對 market prospects

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In December 2016, the 13th Five-Ye房東ar Plan for Solar Energy Development 議身promulgated by the National E錯能nergy Administration put fo通醫rward the overall goa秒上l of solar energy development: By t些拿he end of 2020, the insta雨鐘lled capacity of sola水間r power generation will reach over 11什銀0 million kilowatts, g遠都enerating 150 billion ki通鐘lowatt hours of electricity. P開輛hotovoltaic power generation Tariff lev站器els dropped by more than 50事線% on the basis of 2015, ac廠懂hieving the goal of parity微亮 access on the electricity c內頻onsumption side; the industri裡放alized conversion efficiency of advanc見拿ed crystalline silicon 自海photovoltaic cells has re身兒ached more than 23%. The plannin雪做g key points out that 慢道it is necessary to promote distribut公影ed photovoltaic const地喝ruction and micro-grid supporting pr個生ojects, give priority to the distrib民用ution of distributed photovolta火可ic power generation capacity湖畫, build a distributed ge靜廠neration grid-connect高這ed technical support system and o銀報rganize distributed power t計哥rading. It can be foreseen that durin我很g the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan"樂黃, the solar energy industr去機y, especially the dis月得tributed photovoltaic 師明power stations and solar thermal會計 power generation, will 線票achieve sustained and ste到到ady development.

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④ solar power transformer development 這少and market prospects

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Solar power plants are usua又離lly equipped with one 1-KVA transformer微上 for every 2 500-kilowatt generating 又答units and several hig她子h-voltage main transfo林章rmers and substations for substations 請路in the grid. The con區跳struction of solar powe能視r plants has a high demand for 是多transformers. With the development房湖 of photovoltaic power ge中從neration technology and th街歌e development of high-power in日我verters, the transformers分了 for solar power generatio議業n gradually develop towar國術ds large-capacity and integrated deve多林lopment. The centralized photo書書voltaic power plants are usua為劇lly installed in the des森錯ert or plateau with strong suns厭通hine and require the co飛外rresponding transform兒刀ers to have a strong envi商子ronment adaptability. Acco歌科rding to the development plan of t店術he "13th Five-Year Plan"鐵樂, the installed capacity of s弟爸olar power generation w國機ill reach 110 million kilowatts兒山 by 2020, and the corre說坐sponding supporting transf黃姐ormer capacity will likely用算 reach 110 million kilovolt-amperes. 信吃9, With greater room for gro冷票wth.

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(3) nuclear power generati鐵子on

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① nuclear power gen著冷eration situation

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Nuclear power and thermal pow音章er, hydropower and t白遠he world's three major power supply pil如海lars, compared to tr書友aditional thermal power and other知跳 nuclear power, nuclear power 劇麗has little environment懂這al impact, less resource consumption, a電她nd compared to wind power, photovolta愛舊ic and other new energy sou子月rces, nuclear power shows鐵件 high power generation, Strong supply 城女capacity, stable operating 們現power from environmental fact光生ors and other characteristics. A為間ccording to the Inte家自rnational Atomic Energy Agency statisti和森cs, as of the end of 2015, nu朋匠clear power generation accounted for m民文ore than 20% of the total nuclear p音白ower generation in 14 countri樂少es, of which 76.3% in France and 公著19.5% and 18.6% in the Unite花用d States and Russia respectively. 10信用 Nuclear power has become O見遠ne of the most important non-foss是空il fuels in the world.

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② China's nuclear power i開身ndustry development proce計光ss

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The commissioning of the Qinsha商物n Nuclear Power Stat行吧ion independently designed and manufact南看ured by China in 1991 marked th草但e beginning of China's 亮聽nuclear power industry工理. As nuclear power plants訊金 such as Daya Bay, Lin舞匠g'ao and Tianwan gradually built up,鄉友 the commercialization of nuclear power作線 in China is gradually becom湖技ing more mature. In the field of理紅 independent research 金村and development Import and digesti師音on, nuclear safety s水師upervision, nuclear power operatio習化n and other fields continue 開照to improve.

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In 2011, the Fukushima n路能uclear accident caused理些 great concern for nuclear safety in ou的愛r country. After the suspensi日銀on of nuclear project ap下們proval and the comprehensive security i輛子nspection of existing 姐林equipment, the State Council passed門議 the Nuclear Safety Inspection Report 體又and Nuclear Safety Plan in May 2012, Ch山冷ina's nuclear power project厭坐 restarted. In May 2015, the first demo熱月nstration project of "裡路Hualong-1", the third-generat廠房ion nuclear power technolog金快y of China, officially s議明tarted construction at Unit 5 of F湖讀uqing NPP, marking the rapid dev船個elopment of China's ind能資ependent nuclear power tec務土hnology. In that year報南, China approved a total of 遠問8 nuclear power genera為風tion projects, China's nucle道吧ar power industry began to sp見會eed up. As of January 1, 2017, the錢低re are 35 nuclear power units 畫學built and put into operation in通間 China, with a cumulative installe工下d capacity of 33.5 milli歌車on kilowatts. There a國術re 22 nuclear power units什報 under construction. 11 Th唱輛e nuclear power generation 遠電accounted for about 3.56% of the 外兒total nuclear power generation in 201議微6.

China's nuclear power instal志厭led capacity 2010-2016 (10,000 kilow妹友atts)

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③ China's nuclear power industry ma技算rket prospects

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In November 2016, the "Thirt店什eenth Five-year Plan f近小or Electricity Developmen湖山t" promulgated by the Nationa司行l Development and Reform Commiss討刀ion and the National讀地 Energy Administration proposed 草醫to promote the constructio刀但n of nuclear power plants along the co飛雪ast. By 2020, the installed capacity 通妹of nuclear power will rea我說ch 58 million kilowatts山短. While promoting the construction of黃線 nuclear power in China, China has fir兵師mly implemented the "亮短going global" strategy for nucle但分ar industry and actively partic計兵ipated in international competition匠站. The nuclear power cooperation pro也不jects with Britain, Pakistan,謝多 Romania, Argentina 人頻and South Africa have started one aft現長er another. Among the countries along錢但 the "Belt and Road" 用也, A total of 17 countries plan to花爸 develop nuclear power, the number 微術of planning units rea她答ched 120 units, a very broa體老d space for overseas markets. B你了ased on the tremendous d請問emand in the international and domest區秒ic markets, China's nuclear到輛 power industry will also have profoun小是d potential for development in the 個能future.

China plans to build an overv裡房iew of nuclear power p車月lants

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