Composition of insulating paint 學要applied on the outside of些司 enameled wire

Release time:2019-01-31 15:05 Browse times:1033

Enamelled wire paint c拿著an be divided into:

1. The main componen空道t of acetal paint is polyvin議金yl formal, which is used 懂綠for the production of enam章冷eled wire for oil-containing transfo用朋rmer.

2. The main component of polyurethane 人人paint is polyurethane, 呢亮which is widely used in 也樂the production of enameled wire學友s for electronic tra雜美nsformers, electronic coil筆電s, relays, micro-motors地人, high-frequency elec吃作trical instruments and oth司快er electronic winding requirements.

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