Relevant knowledge of 劇錢different high-voltage coils議志
The correct name of high vo這計ltage coil is circuit output transfo書討rmer, also known as ci照內rcuit coil or circuit tran相票sformer. The working pr媽都inciple of the display and TV high vo美物ltage coil is basically the sam少飛e. Due to the high temperature, high fr書家equency, high voltage and high 草哥current status of hig信劇h-voltage coil, as well動一 as the impact of external enviro小為nmental humidity or dust, the probab要木ility of high-voltage coil damage is v市很ery high. Now let's take a lo大公ok at the classification of high 女得voltage coils.
1. TV high voltage coil民拍
The electron gun at the rear of少拿 the picture tube emits therm化作ionic electrons. As the e上民lectric field acceler地都ates and bombards the s事他creen, the phosphor coated on 書樂the screen will glow.少很 The faster the electron beam mov子遠es, the brighter it will be. 頻但In order to improve the electron spee木但d, it is necessary to increas船影e the voltage of the accelerating 下還electric field, so that和綠 the electron beam can obtain higher地影 accelerating energy. After 聽讀rectification, the AC output in 黑區the high voltage bag first 車綠generates a high voltage electric field新議 with the positive pole. The elect兵市ron accelerates in this elec北土tric field, and the im什地age has enough brightness.
The high-voltage coil is commo廠黑nly known as the circuit outp醫路ut transformer, and the ou快志tput of high-voltage DC i拿空s the function of the hi河我gh-voltage coil. This function is ex話腦actly the same as the high-vol亮市tage coil in the TV. When use海吧d in TV, it is used to accelerate the e文山lectronic screen to achieve suffici光玩ent brightness. When used for com民務puter LCD screen, it can supply powe火道r to the lamp to make the screen reach微鐵 enough brightness. Of course, each 老城TV and monitor has different types of 錯劇high-voltage coil. The河看 maintenance personnel 一裡should pay attention to the mode懂說l when replacing the TV 員小high voltage coil. In this way, a 那的series of unnecessary d老讀angers can be avoided.
2. Motorcycle high-pressure co爸什il
Motorcycle high-vol視窗tage coil, also known as ign笑火ition coil, is composed of primary coil去林, secondary coil and iron core. When事電 using, first charge the prima購樂ry coil, and induce 200-300V vol會章tage in the primary coil; Then a 錯離high voltage of 18-20kV is gene機雪rated by mutual inductance with the日見 secondary coil, and雨行 the generated voltage dep靜和ends on the turn ratio of 離飛the two coils; Then send醫器 the high-voltage power事兒 to the spark plug for ignitio師商n.
The working principle of t少做he high voltage coil is 在木to convert DC to AC throug農兒h the oscillator, boost the 匠國voltage through the boost circuit個子, and then rectify it to DC high voltag睡身e. When the voltage rises to 花音a certain value, energi校公ze the igniter to ignite it.亮就