Transformer is also known東他 as high-voltage module, step-up tran高離sformer and high voltage coi舊友l, The main functions of high-又黑voltage coil are volta話飛ge conversion, impedance conversion,得哥 isolation and voltag來讀e stabilization...【Details】
For a car, the high-voltage coil and他國 ignition coil are the新高 same thing. The igniti也知on coil is a high-vo習好ltage coil, which is a step-up transf外腦ormer. It is a device for convert技下ing low-voltage electricity into 爸資high-voltage electricity.【Details】
The correct name of high voltage也睡 coil is circuit output tran好做sformer, also known as ci區視rcuit coil or circuit transform舊這er. The working principle of the d近鐘isplay and TV high voltage coil科地 is basically the same. Due to the h站個igh temperature...【Details】
Enamelled wire paint can be divided int多麗o: 1. The main component of ac大會etal paint is polyvinyl formal, whi愛動ch is used for the p照算roduction of enameled 冷劇wire for oil-containing t少什ransformer.【Details】
Core Tip: Transformer has b朋大een a major modern power ne那對twork construction equipment, power gen雪照eration, transmission and distrib習煙ution, power distribut音得ion all play a key role. 【Details】
The website of Jiangsu著線 Feier Electromechanical公空 Technology Co., Ltd. was officially l海時aunched!!!【Details】